Eye and Vision Exams

Eye Exam Image

You have many projects, tasks, and obligations on your to-do list, so why would you want to add anything else? We understand the temptation to avoid things we deem unimportant when life is hectic. However, we don’t always understand the importance of what we’re avoiding.

One of the things some people avoid is an eye exam. Sometimes, patients don’t get an eye exam because they simply don’t notice any changes in their vision or they simply don’t understand the role an eye exam can play for their eye health. Below, our team at Miles & Tisch Eyecare in New York, NY, provides answers as to why these exams can be so important so that you make them getting them a priority if you need them. 

Eye Health and Vision

Even if you don’t realize it, your eyes are changing. For some people, these changes happen so gradually that they don’t notice them. Their eyes compensate for the new vision challenges. While this may seem like a good thing, it actually means that your eyes are working harder, which can lead to other problems.

Additionally, these changes aren’t always as simple as a refractive error. Many eye conditions that can eventually lead to partial or complete vision loss buildup over time and aren’t always noticeable until damage has begun. By then, the vision loss might be irreversible.

How Can an Optometry Specialist Help?

When you visit an optometrist near you, you’ll receive an eye and/or vision exam. The difference between the two is that an eye exam is more extensive and checks for many things that vision exam does not, such as the presence of certain eye diseases.

During an eye exam, your optometrist will assess the general health of your eye, checking for any current or potential signs of trouble and recommend the best treatment options to help address it. For refractive errors, this may include eyeglasses or contacts. However, it may also include lifestyle changes and medication for issues like excessive eye pressure. 

Get an Eye Exam and Optometry Care from an Optometrist Near You

Don’t leave your vision and eye health to chance. Call us at (212) 765-2660 to schedule an appointment with our team at Miles & Tisch Eyecare in New York, NY, today. Contact us for an eye exam and optometry care from an optometrist near you.

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